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Marydel Fire Company
110 Fire House Ln.
Marydel, DE 19964

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MVC With Injuries
Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday afternoon Caroline County alerted Station 700, Paramedic 17 and station 56 for rescue local box 7-5, for a reported mvc with injuries. Paramedic 17arrived to a two vehicle mvc with a car into a telephone pole. Officer 717 (Wothers) arrived and established Henderson Rd. command. Squad 702 with 715 (Bartz) arrived and assisted with patient care. Rescue engine 56-3 arrived with 56-16 (Simonsen) and secured the vehicles. Engine 703 arrived. Members from 56-3 translated for EMS due to a language barrier. Command placed rescue box under control returning 56-3. While enroute to the station Caroline alerted Station 56 for a medical box. 56-3 contacted Caroline to be added to the call since we were right in front of the location of the Medical box. Crews assisted with patient care and assisted paramedic 17 with loading the patient. Rescue engine 56-3 cleared the call and returned to quarters.


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